Thursday, September 2, 2010

My previous semester:

Well, this year has been very special for all us. I started my semester a month later than other years, because of earthquake in February. After all the initial problems, I can say that the first semester of 2010 was very good for me, at the university, at my house; in general my life was very good. Subjects were interesting and my grades were successful. Actually, this first semester wasn’t very entertaining, although I had good moments, for example some parties or some meetings with my friends.
The last semester I was in a “CFG”, they are courses of general formation given for the university and all its students must do them. Specifically, the “CFG” which I chose was called “Estado y PolĂ­tica en el siglo XXI”, this course was interesting and I think that this courses are useful in professional formation and not only in a particular career, but in integral formation in all career of Universidad de Chile.
In relation to the English course, last semester I did the third pre-intermediate level, and I must say it was a good experience, I think I learned a lot.
Finally I want to say that last semester was a little strange in the beginning but then it got better than before and I could enjoy it. Now I hope that this new semester is much better for us all.


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