Thursday, October 14, 2010

The wonderful show about the miners and their misfortune

Chile is a country that is characterized by their very poor working conditions, trough his history we can see many examples about it. An actual example is “33 miner trapped six hundred meters underground”, because a collapse in the mine where they were working.
The topic of miners in Chile has been very famous around the world; stranger journalists from different countries arrived here. Television from our country has made a sad show about their lives and their families and about their suffering. Also a lot of politicians got benefit by this terrible situation.
Many people from CopiapĆ³ and other places from Chile helped miners with little and big things, for example to company to families in those difficult moments. Finally miners were rescued thanks to effort of many people, many workers and many volunteers. But this situation forces us to think about working conditions in Chile. Especially the conditions of the miners, because those misfortune happened for responsibility of the mine`s proprietors.
Finally I think that situation should teach us evaluate the actual mining conditions and in general, working conditions. We must to learn this important sentence that last miner rescued said: “que esto no vuelva a pasar”.

Good bye

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