Thursday, November 18, 2010

Actually, what are we celebrating in this mad year?

Well, 2010 is a special year to Chile, because this little country celebrates his “bicentenario”, in other words, Chile signed their independence 200 years ago. Then, this year we have to celebrate and laugh and sing and pretend that we live in a free and independent country. The government has been specially focused in that “show” trough this year 2010. But I think this year it’s not a great year, because a horrible earthquake, because miners trapped in a mine and because we are not really independent.
First, in February 27, 2010 a horrible earthquake attacked our country and many people are without house and they are living in poor conditions. They can’t celebrate, because they are wait help still. They don’t want show for their tragedy. Now they are forgotten by most part of country.
Second, 33 miners trapped in a mine for many days. They fortunately were rescued by volunteers and workers, but our government took this opportunity to improve his popularity and this tragedy overshadowed other important news, for example the hunger strike of “mapuche”, the student’s fights or many other issues that any politicians have quietly.
Third, why we can’t celebrate this “bicentenario”? Well, we must celebrate 200 years or independence, but is really Chile an independent country? I think it is not true. 200 years ago we were part of kingdom of Spain, but now we are part of the big economics and cultural empires from the world. That empires control our lives, our studies including our language. They take decisions and Chile is Country completely dependent of them. And many countries from Latin-America are like Chile, very dependent. The, what are we celebrating? Maybe we can celebrate and believe in a beautiful and nice country, but it`s not true.
Finally I want say that people from Chile must wake up and think how improve this country, how to eliminate injustices, how to eliminate poverty and how to eliminate the dependence of powerful people and people from North. But I think these responses must be from the Chileans and not from one person.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Being rich or not?

Well, today I will talk about to be rich, after won 10 million dollars. It is the dream of many people in the world and in our country, where all the people want to be rich. A very special way to be rich is won the lottery. Now I’ll tell what I would do if I won the prize.

First, one of my dreams is to go Europe for example to England, to Spain and many other words of old continent. Then I would travel to Europe with my family stay 2 month there and to know the most beautiful and oldest places. After this travel, I would go to Cuba because my mom wants go to.

Second, in think in Chile there are not real opportunities for poor children; a few kids can study in good schools. In my opinion rich people have responsibility into the country and I would create an institution to these children. So they would study in the best schools and they would have opportunities. Although, an institutions not the ultimate solution to poverty. But it is a try.

Third, I have always wanted a big house in the countryside, away from the city, the cars, the noises and the pollution. In this place I would have animals, for example dogs, cows and a flock of sheep. The house would be very big and there are many bedrooms for all the visitors. This would be the place to meet all the family.

Fourth, I want to help my family and my friends at this time are not very well, because they have economic problems. Finally I think it's impossible to enjoy the money when a person is single, then people should share everything and be happy.

Bye, bye

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The wonderful show about the miners and their misfortune

Chile is a country that is characterized by their very poor working conditions, trough his history we can see many examples about it. An actual example is “33 miner trapped six hundred meters underground”, because a collapse in the mine where they were working.
The topic of miners in Chile has been very famous around the world; stranger journalists from different countries arrived here. Television from our country has made a sad show about their lives and their families and about their suffering. Also a lot of politicians got benefit by this terrible situation.
Many people from Copiapó and other places from Chile helped miners with little and big things, for example to company to families in those difficult moments. Finally miners were rescued thanks to effort of many people, many workers and many volunteers. But this situation forces us to think about working conditions in Chile. Especially the conditions of the miners, because those misfortune happened for responsibility of the mine`s proprietors.
Finally I think that situation should teach us evaluate the actual mining conditions and in general, working conditions. We must to learn this important sentence that last miner rescued said: “que esto no vuelva a pasar”.

Good bye

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Visiting Greece

Well, the country that I would like to go is Greece, because it is a very important country in the universal history, and there we can to see many things that show a part of human history. I would like to know those old and beautiful buildings that I have seen in books.

Really I don’t know very much information about Greece, I have read history books and I have seen magazines about travels. I know that Greece has a very long history; it had a big empire in the old age and at this time Greek people made a lot of beautiful buildings for example the Greek Parthenon an old temple dedicated to goddess Athena. Other important place is the Olympus Mount, it‘s very popular because of the legends and myths about gods.

Greece is a beautiful country, but I wouldn’t like to live forever there, because the life in this place is very different, they have other language that I don’t know. I would stay during three o four weeks there, only to know the most beautiful places of this country. Actually I prefer to live here, in Chile.

Greece, the Homer’s land can tell the history with their buildings, temples, monuments and places. Finally I want to say that Greece is a beautiful country that I would like visit one time in my life. But no yet, because I am studying now and I don't have my money.

Bye, bye !!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Visiting santiago !!

Well, actually I’m not from Santiago, I was born in Talca but I live in Santiago more than one year ago. The capital of Chile is a very particular city into the country, because there are more than 5 millions of people, there are many things to do and many places to visit. When I arrived to this city I visited some places very interesting for example the “Cerro Santa Lucia”, Barrio Bellavista, “La Moneda”, “el Zoologico” and “Biblioteca Nacional”.
First, “el Cerro Santa Lucia” is a typical image of postcard from Santiago, it’s a beautiful hill where we can go to walk, to go up stairways and to know Indian craft of aboriginal people from Chile, because in this place there is a shop with their creations.
Second, “el Barrio Bellavista” is a perfect place to meet with friends, to eat, to drink and to be happy. Although there is a problem, sometimes this street is dangerous. But generally is a very good place to make parties.
Third, “la Moneda” is the house of government. The president works in this place with his ministers (when he is works and don’t making show). This building is very old and beautiful; here were important people of Chile’s history.
Fourth, “el zoololgico”, is the principal zoo from Chile. This place is very funny for kids and adults, because here there are many typical animals of the country and animals of others countries. Also there are a lot of birds, for example eagles and Flemish.
Fifth, the last place that I’ll recommend is “La Biblioteca Nacional”, it is a building very old, but it is beautiful and interesting, there are many books.

finally i want to say that santiago is very expensive city, so I can't to talk about all thier interesting places, but I can to tell about some very typycal and beatiful places.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

My previous semester:

Well, this year has been very special for all us. I started my semester a month later than other years, because of earthquake in February. After all the initial problems, I can say that the first semester of 2010 was very good for me, at the university, at my house; in general my life was very good. Subjects were interesting and my grades were successful. Actually, this first semester wasn’t very entertaining, although I had good moments, for example some parties or some meetings with my friends.
The last semester I was in a “CFG”, they are courses of general formation given for the university and all its students must do them. Specifically, the “CFG” which I chose was called “Estado y Política en el siglo XXI”, this course was interesting and I think that this courses are useful in professional formation and not only in a particular career, but in integral formation in all career of Universidad de Chile.
In relation to the English course, last semester I did the third pre-intermediate level, and I must say it was a good experience, I think I learned a lot.
Finally I want to say that last semester was a little strange in the beginning but then it got better than before and I could enjoy it. Now I hope that this new semester is much better for us all.
